Oda and Kathy Shouse are both Daviess County Kentucky natives and have lived in this area all their lives. They have been in ministry of some kind for over 40 years. They have pastored in a Christian church, have opened and operated a mission, called "New Life Fellowship" and have been in supportive roles under another ministry. Oda worked full time while also pastoring. After he resigned from one ministry job, a period after 1985 Kathy and Oda started a new ministry called "Relevant Faith Church", Kathy is still pastoring there today, but to our great loss Oda passed away on December 8th, 2020. Oda did his best to lead the church in a way that would reflect his calling, and his burden for the unsaved, the backslidden, and those that have wandered away from the flock and are in danger of being ensnared by the devil.
Oda passed away from this life on December 8, 2020. Oda always said the child of God never dies; he just TRANSFERS to the home office!
Oda served the Lord for 70 years of his life, he loved the work of the Lord. He cherished his calling of "Pastor" and guarded that call with great care. He loved Relevant Faith and all that God has done for us here. He had such a heart for the downtrodden and neglected of the world.
It is my privilege to continue to minister here at Relevant Faith as a pastor on the pastoral staff and see how God is working at Relevant Faith. The best is yet to come.
Ron and Beatrice Phillips came to us after three years of searching for a pastor. They are truly called of God for ministry. How grateful we are that God sent them to us. They are a wonderful addition to the work here. As I said "the best is yet to come".
Ron and Beatrice Phillips are servants of God who are passionate about preaching, teaching, and walking in the truth of the word of God. They both have served the Lord in different parts of the world and have seen many lives changed for Christ. Both Ron and Beatrice have a heart to spread the love and saving grace of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ to those hurting, hungry, and needing freedom from the oppressive world. Together with the leadership of Relevant Faith Church, they are excited about leading the people of God in the city of Owensboro and beyond. Come join hands with us as we follow Jesus' instruction in Matthew 28: 19-20, which says," Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
Directors of the men and women ministries at Relevant Faith